Master Data Page
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Data is extracted via monthly reports provided by CityNet, a third party organization working with City of Corona to improve the lives of homeless neighbors. Point-In-Time count data is provided by the County of Riverside.
- Update Frequency: Monthly / Yearly (PIT Count)
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is extracted via Sprout Social, a third party application utilized by the City of Corona for social media planning, scheduling, monitoring, and analytics.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is extracted from a monthly report compiled by members of Library management and staff.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is extracted from a monthly report compiled by members of Library management and staff.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data provided by ACTIVE Network, a third party application utilized by the City of Corona for activity and participant management.
- Update Frequency: Yearly. Moving forward, data will be updated quarterly.
- Update Method: Manual upload
The data used in this dashboard is pulled directly from the City of Corona's SeeClickFix application.
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Update Method: Automated
Business Licenses Submitted
Data is extracted from a summary report from the City's business license management partner, HdL Companies.
- Update Frequency: Weekly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is extracted from a monthly report compiled by the Economic Development department, also known as Team Corona.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
The data in this dashboard is directly obtained from the State of California's Employment Development Department via the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) report, a Federal-State cooperative effort in which monthly estimates of total employment are provided.
- Update Frequency: Monthly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is provided by a report generated in Cognos, a business intelligence tool used by the City.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is extracted from a report generated by the City of Corona's financial software system, OneSolution.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Data is extracted from a report generated by the City of Corona's financial software system, OneSolution.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Housing Availability - Data provided by the State of California Finance Department report titled, 'E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2018 with 2010 Census Benchmark'.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Median Housing Price - The data used in this dashboard is provided by a report created by Beacon Economics, one of California’s leading economic research and consulting firms.
- Update Frequency: Quarterly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Occupied Housing Units - Data provided by the State of California Finance Department report titled, 'E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2018 with 2010 Census Benchmark'.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Vacancy Rate - Data provided by the State of California Finance Department report titled, 'E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2018 with 2010 Census Benchmark'.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
EMS (Medical Aid) Response Times - Data is extracted from the City of Corona's Fire Department records management system. This system is updated real-time by dispatch and file personnel in the field. The data is extracted from the system and uploaded into Socrata on a nightly basis.
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Update Method: Automated
Fire & Special Ops Response Time - Data is extracted from the City of Corona's Fire Department records management system. This system is updated real-time by dispatch and file personnel in the field. The data is extracted from the system and uploaded into Socrata on a nightly basis.
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Update Method: Automated
Police Response Times - Data is extracted from the City of Corona's Police Department records management system. This system is updated real-time by dispatch and file personnel in the field. The data is extracted from the system and uploaded into Socrata on a nightly basis.
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Update Method: Automated
Data is collected using a GIS application developed by the City of Corona in 2017. Historic information has been rolled into the application, which is now being used to track the rehabilitation process.
- Update Frequency: Yearly
- Update Method: Manual upload
The data used in this dashboard is tracked by a GIS application developed by the City of Corona and deployed in August 2017.
- Update Frequency: Quarterly
- Update Method: Manual upload
Please note: The City of Corona is currently working on the automation of several data sets to provide citizens with the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.